Windows 7 DLL File Information - mshtml.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 7, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer |
File Version: | 8.00.7100.0 (winmain_win7rc.090421-1700) |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Windows Internet Explorer |
DLL popularity | Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 5,814 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 20 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 15 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 5,445,120 Bytes | 91.5% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x00533000 | 31,232 Bytes | 0.5% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x0053c000 | 270,848 Bytes | 4.5% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x0057f000 | 205,312 Bytes | 3.4% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
mshtml.dll is statically linked to the following files:msvcrt.dll
This means that when mshtml.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, mshtml.dll won't be loaded.
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 22 | 213,621 Bytes | 3.6% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 18 | 6,344 Bytes | 0.1% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 10 | 5,374 Bytes | 0.1% |
AVI Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Dialog-Boxes | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
HTML Related Files | 2 | 163 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 39 | 1,250 Bytes | 0.0% |
Type Libraries | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Manifest | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 6 | 38,278 Bytes | 0.6% |
Total | 97 | 265,030 Bytes | 4.5% |
Icons in this file
There are 22 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:
Cursors in this file
There are 18 cursors stored in this DLL file. You can view all these cursors in the following small thumbnail:
Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)
No dialog resources in this file.
String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)
String ID | String Text |
1000 | Normal |
1001 | Formatted |
1002 | Address |
1003 | Heading 1 |
1004 | Heading 2 |
1005 | Heading 3 |
1006 | Heading 4 |
1007 | Heading 5 |
1008 | Heading 6 |
1009 | Numbered List |
1010 | Bulleted List |
1011 | Directory List |
1012 | Menu List |
1013 | Definition Term |
1014 | Definition |
1016 | Paragraph |
1017 | <pre> |
1018 | <address> |
1019 | <h1> |
1020 | <h2> |
1021 | <h3> |
1022 | <h4> |
1023 | <h5> |
1024 | <h6> |
1025 | <ol> |
1026 | <ul> |
1027 | <dir> |
1028 | <menu> |
1029 | <dt> |
1030 | <dd> |
1032 | <div> |
2352 | Click to activate and use this control |
2353 | Press SPACEBAR or ENTER to activate and use this control |
2354 | Inactive Control |
2355 | Click here to load the following control: '<0s>' from '<1s>' |
2356 | Click to run an ActiveX control on this webpage |
14760 | This control is inactive. Select the control to activate and use it. |
14768 | <0d> of <1d> |
COM Classes/Interfaces
There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:ClearPhishingFilterData | ConvertAndEscapePostData | CreateHTMLPropertyPage | DllCanUnloadNow |
DllEnumClassObjects | DllGetClassObject | IEIsXMLNSRegistered | IERegisterXMLNS |
MatchExactGetIDsOfNames | PrintHTML | RunHTMLApplication | ShowHTMLDialog |
ShowHTMLDialogEx | ShowModalDialog | ShowModelessHTMLDialog |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- msvcrt.dll:
_CIatan2 _CIcos _CIsin _CIsqrt _XcptFilter __dllonexit _amsg_exit _errno _initterm _ismbcdigit _itow _lock _ltow _mbschr _mbscmp _mbscspn _mbsinc _mbsspn _mbsstr _onexit _purecall _strcmpi _strnicmp _ultoa _ultow _unlock _vsnprintf _vsnwprintf _wcsicmp _wcslwr _wcsnicmp _wcsrev _wtof _wtoi _wtol atoi bsearch calloc ceil floor free isalpha isdigit iswalnum iswascii iswdigit iswspace malloc memcpy memmove memset qsort strchr strncmp strrchr strstr strtol towlower wcschr wcsncmp wcspbrk wcsrchr wcsspn wcsstr wcstok wcstol wcstoul - PSAPI.DLL:
GetModuleBaseNameW GetModuleInformation - KERNEL32.dll:
ActivateActCtx CloseHandle CompareFileTime CompareStringW ConvertThreadToFiber CopyFileW CreateActCtxW CreateDirectoryW CreateEventW CreateFiber CreateFileMappingA CreateFileMappingW CreateFileW CreateMutexA CreateMutexW CreateThread DeactivateActCtx DeleteFiber DeleteFileW EnumUILanguagesW ExpandEnvironmentStringsA ExpandEnvironmentStringsW FileTimeToLocalFileTime FileTimeToSystemTime FindAtomW FindClose FindFirstFileW FindResourceA FindResourceExA FindResourceExW FindResourceW FlushViewOfFile FormatMessageW FreeLibrary FreeLibraryAndExitThread GetACP GetCPInfo GetCommandLineW GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThreadId GetExitCodeThread GetFileAttributesExW GetFileAttributesW GetFileSize GetFileTime GetFileType GetFullPathNameA GetFullPathNameW GetLastError GetLocalTime GetLocaleInfoA GetLocaleInfoW GetLongPathNameW GetModuleFileNameA GetModuleFileNameW GetModuleHandleExA GetModuleHandleW GetProcAddress GetProcessHeap GetProfileIntA GetStringTypeW GetSystemDefaultLCID GetSystemDefaultUILanguage GetSystemDirectoryW GetSystemInfo GetSystemTime GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW GetTempFileNameW GetTempPathW GetTickCount GetUserDefaultLCID GetUserDefaultLangID GetUserDefaultUILanguage GetVersion GetVersionExA GetVersionExW GlobalAddAtomW GlobalAlloc GlobalDeleteAtom GlobalFindAtomW GlobalFlags GlobalFree GlobalLock GlobalReAlloc GlobalSize GlobalUnlock HeapDestroy HeapFree InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount InterlockedCompareExchange InterlockedDecrement InterlockedExchange InterlockedExchangeAdd InterlockedIncrement IsDBCSLeadByteEx IsProcessorFeaturePresent IsValidCodePage LCMapStringA LoadLibraryA LoadLibraryExA LoadLibraryExW LoadLibraryW LoadResource LocalAlloc LocalFree LockResource MapViewOfFile MulDiv MultiByteToWideChar OpenEventW OpenFileMappingA OpenMutexA OpenProcess OutputDebugStringA QueryPerformanceCounter QueueUserWorkItem RaiseException ReadFile RegisterWaitForSingleObject ReleaseActCtx ReleaseMutex ResumeThread RtlUnwind SearchPathA SearchPathW SetEndOfFile SetErrorMode SetEvent SetFilePointer SetLastError SetUnhandledExceptionFilter SizeofResource Sleep SwitchToFiber SystemTimeToFileTime TerminateProcess TerminateThread TlsAlloc TlsFree TlsGetValue TlsSetValue UnhandledExceptionFilter UnmapViewOfFile UnregisterWaitEx VirtualAlloc VirtualProtect VirtualQuery WaitForSingleObject WideCharToMultiByte WriteFile _hread lstrcmp lstrlen lstrlenW ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap ntdll!RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection ntdll!RtlLeaveCriticalSection ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap ntdll!RtlSizeHeap - GDI32.dll:
BitBlt CloseEnhMetaFile CloseMetaFile CombineRgn CreateBitmap CreateCompatibleBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateDCW CreateDIBSection CreateEllipticRgn CreateEnhMetaFileW CreateFontIndirectW CreateHatchBrush CreateICW CreateMetaFileA CreatePalette CreatePatternBrush CreatePen CreateRectRgn CreateRectRgnIndirect CreateSolidBrush DeleteDC DeleteEnhMetaFile DeleteMetaFile DeleteObject Ellipse EnumFontFamiliesExW EnumFontsW EnumObjects EqualRgn Escape ExcludeClipRect ExtCreatePen ExtCreateRegion ExtEscape ExtSelectClipRgn ExtTextOutA ExtTextOutW GdiFlush GetBkColor GetCharABCWidthsW GetCharWidth32W GetCharWidthA GetCharWidthW GetClipBox GetClipRgn GetCurrentObject GetCurrentPositionEx GetDIBColorTable GetDIBits GetDeviceCaps GetEnhMetaFileHeader GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries GetEnhMetaFileW GetFontData GetFontUnicodeRanges GetGlyphOutlineW GetNearestColor GetNearestPaletteIndex GetObjectType GetObjectW GetOutlineTextMetricsW GetPaletteEntries GetROP2 GetRandomRgn GetRegionData GetRgnBox GetStockObject GetTextAlign GetTextCharset GetTextCharsetInfo GetTextColor GetTextExtentPoint32W GetTextFaceW GetTextMetricsW GetViewportOrgEx GetWindowExtEx GetWindowOrgEx IntersectClipRect LPtoDP LineTo MaskBlt MoveToEx OffsetRgn OffsetViewportOrgEx PatBlt PlayEnhMetaFile PlayMetaFile Polygon Polyline RealizePalette Rectangle RestoreDC SaveDC SelectClipRgn SelectObject SelectPalette SetBkColor SetBkMode SetBrushOrgEx SetDIBColorTable SetDIBits SetDIBitsToDevice SetEnhMetaFileBits SetMapMode SetMetaFileBitsEx SetROP2 SetStretchBltMode SetTextAlign SetTextColor SetViewportExtEx SetViewportOrgEx SetWindowExtEx SetWindowOrgEx StretchBlt StretchDIBits TranslateCharsetInfo UnrealizeObject - USER32.dll:
AdjustWindowRectEx AllowSetForegroundWindow AppendMenuA AppendMenuW AttachThreadInput BeginDeferWindowPos BeginPaint BringWindowToTop CallNextHookEx CallWindowProcW CharLowerA CharLowerBuffW CharLowerW CharNextW CharPrevW CharToOemW CharUpperW CheckDlgButton CheckMenuItem CheckMenuRadioItem ChildWindowFromPoint ChildWindowFromPointEx ClientToScreen CopyAcceleratorTableW CopyRect CreateAcceleratorTableW CreateCaret CreatePopupMenu CreateWindowExA CreateWindowExW DefWindowProcW DeferWindowPos DeleteMenu DestroyCaret DestroyCursor DestroyCursor DestroyMenu DestroyWindow DialogBoxParamW DispatchMessageW DrawEdge DrawFocusRect DrawFrameControl DrawTextW EnableMenuItem EnableWindow EndDeferWindowPos EndDialog EndPaint EnumChildWindows EqualRect FillRect FindWindowW FrameRect GetActiveWindow GetAncestor GetAsyncKeyState GetCapture GetCaretBlinkTime GetClassInfoExW GetClassInfoW GetClassNameW GetClientRect GetComboBoxInfo GetCursor GetCursorPos GetDC GetDCEx GetDesktopWindow GetDlgItem GetDlgItemTextW GetDoubleClickTime GetFocus GetForegroundWindow GetKeyState GetKeyboardLayout GetKeyboardLayoutList GetKeyboardState GetLastActivePopup GetMenuItemCount GetMenuItemID GetMenuState GetMenuStringW GetMessageExtraInfo GetMessagePos GetMessageTime GetMessageW GetMonitorInfoW GetParent GetPropW GetShellWindow GetSubMenu GetSysColor GetSysColorBrush GetSystemMenu GetSystemMetrics GetTopWindow GetUpdateRect GetUpdateRgn GetWindow GetWindowDC GetWindowInfo GetWindowLongA GetWindowLongW GetWindowRect GetWindowRgn GetWindowTextW GetWindowThreadProcessId HideCaret InSendMessage InflateRect InsertMenuW IntersectRect InvalidateRect InvalidateRgn IsCharAlphaNumericW IsCharAlphaW IsCharLowerW IsCharUpperW IsChild IsClipboardFormatAvailable IsDlgButtonChecked IsIconic IsRectEmpty IsWinEventHookInstalled IsWindow IsWindowUnicode IsWindowVisible KillTimer LoadAcceleratorsW LoadBitmapW LoadCursorA LoadCursorW LoadIconW LoadImageW LoadMenuW LoadStringW LockWindowUpdate MapVirtualKeyExW MapWindowPoints MessageBeep MessageBoxW MonitorFromRect MonitorFromWindow MoveWindow MsgWaitForMultipleObjects NotifyWinEvent OffsetRect PeekMessageW PostMessageW PostQuitMessage PostThreadMessageW PtInRect RedrawWindow RegisterClassExW RegisterClassW RegisterClipboardFormatA RegisterClipboardFormatW RegisterClipboardFormatW ReleaseCapture ReleaseDC RemoveMenu RemovePropW ScreenToClient ScrollDC SendDlgItemMessageW SendMessageA SendMessageW SetActiveWindow SetCapture SetCaretPos SetCursor SetCursorPos SetDlgItemTextW SetFocus SetForegroundWindow SetParent SetPropW SetRectEmpty SetTimer SetWindowLongA SetWindowLongW SetWindowPos SetWindowRgn SetWindowTextW SetWindowsHookExW ShowCaret ShowCursor ShowWindow SubtractRect SystemParametersInfoW ToAsciiEx TrackMouseEvent TrackPopupMenu TranslateMessage UnhookWindowsHookEx UnionRect UnregisterClassA UnregisterClassW UpdateWindow ValidateRect ValidateRgn VkKeyScanW WaitMessage WinHelpW WindowFromDC WindowFromPoint - ole32.dll:
CLSIDFromProgID CLSIDFromString CoAllowSetForegroundWindow CoCreateGuid CoCreateInstance CoFileTimeNow CoFreeUnusedLibraries CoGetClassObject CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream CoGetMarshalSizeMax CoGetTreatAsClass CoInitialize CoInitializeEx CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream CoMarshalInterface CoRegisterClassObject CoRegisterMessageFilter CoRevokeClassObject CoTaskMemAlloc CoTaskMemFree CoTaskMemRealloc CoUninitialize CoUnmarshalInterface CreateBindCtx CreateDataAdviseHolder CreateDataCache CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal CreateOleAdviseHolder CreateStreamOnHGlobal DoDragDrop GetHGlobalFromStream IIDFromString MkParseDisplayName OleCreateFromData OleFlushClipboard OleGetClipboard OleGetIconOfClass OleInitialize OleIsCurrentClipboard OleQueryCreateFromData OleQueryLinkFromData OleRegGetUserType OleRun OleSaveToStream OleSetClipboard OleTranslateAccelerator OleUninitialize ProgIDFromCLSID RegisterDragDrop ReleaseStgMedium RevokeDragDrop StgCreateDocfile StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes StgOpenStorage StringFromCLSID StringFromGUID2 StringFromIID WriteClassStg WriteClassStm WriteFmtUserTypeStg - urlmon.dll:
CoGetClassObjectFromURL CoInternetCanonicalizeIUri CoInternetCombineIUri CoInternetCombineUrl CoInternetCombineUrlEx CoInternetCreateSecurityManager CoInternetCreateZoneManager CoInternetGetSecurityUrl CoInternetGetSession CoInternetIsFeatureEnabled CoInternetIsFeatureEnabledForUrl CoInternetIsFeatureZoneElevationEnabled CoInternetParseIUri CoInternetParseUrl CoInternetQueryInfo CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled CompareSecurityIds CompatFlagsFromClsid CreateAsyncBindCtx CreateAsyncBindCtxEx CreateIUriBuilder CreateURLMonikerEx CreateURLMonikerEx2 CreateUri CreateUriWithFragment FaultInIEFeature FindMimeFromData GetClassFileOrMime GetIDNFlagsForUri GetIUriPriv GetPortFromUrlScheme GetUrlmonThreadNotificationHwnd IsAsyncMoniker MkParseDisplayNameEx ObtainUserAgentString RegisterBindStatusCallback ReleaseBindInfo RevokeBindStatusCallback ShouldDisplayPunycodeForUri ShouldShowIntranetWarningSecband URLOpenBlockingStreamW - iertutil.dll:
IERT_DelayLoadFailureHook - ntdll.dll:
RtlCaptureStackBackTrace - SHLWAPI.dll:
AssocGetPerceivedType AssocIsDangerous AssocQueryKeyW AssocQueryStringA AssocQueryStringW ChrCmpIW GetAcceptLanguagesW HashData IUnknown_GetWindow IUnknown_QueryService IUnknown_SetSite IsCharSpaceW IsOS ParseURLW PathAddBackslashW PathAppendW PathCanonicalizeW PathCombineW PathCreateFromUrlW PathFileExistsW PathFindExtensionW PathFindFileNameW PathGetCharTypeW PathGetDriveNumberW PathIsFileSpecW PathIsRelativeW PathIsUNCW PathQuoteSpacesW PathRemoveArgsW PathRemoveBlanksW PathRemoveFileSpecW PathStripPathW PathUndecorateW PathUnquoteSpacesW QISearch SHCreateShellPalette SHCreateStreamOnFileW SHCreateThread SHGetInverseCMAP SHGetValueW SHLoadIndirectString SHQueryValueExW SHRegGetValueW SHSetValueW SHStrDupW SHStripMneumonicW StrCatW StrChrW StrCmpCA StrCmpCW StrCmpICA StrCmpICW StrCmpIW StrCmpNIA StrCmpNICA StrCmpNICW StrCmpNIW StrCmpNW StrCmpW StrCpyNW StrStrA StrStrIA StrStrIW StrStrW StrToIntExW StrToIntW StrTrimW UrlApplySchemeW UrlCanonicalizeW UrlCreateFromPathW UrlGetLocationW UrlGetPartW UrlIsOpaqueW UrlIsW UrlUnescapeW wnsprintfW - msls31.dll:
LsCreateContext LsCreateLine LsCreateSubline LsDestroyContext LsDestroyLine LsDestroySubline LsDisplayLine LsDisplaySubline LsEnumLine LsEnumSubline LsFetchAppendToCurrentSubline LsFetchAppendToCurrentSublineResume LsFindNextBreakSubline LsFindPrevBreakSubline LsFinishCurrentSubline LsForceBreakSubline LsGetHihLsimethods LsGetMinDurBreaks LsGetReverseLsimethods LsGetRubyLsimethods LsGetSpecialEffectsSubline LsGetTatenakayokoLsimethods LsGetWarichuLsimethods LsMatchPresSubline LsQueryLineCpPpoint LsQueryLineDup LsQueryLinePointPcp LsSetBreakSubline LsSetBreaking LsSetCompression LsSetDoc LsSetExpansion LsSetModWidthPairs LsTruncateSubline LsdnFinishRegular LsdnQueryObjDimRange LsdnSubmitSublines LssbFDonePresSubline LssbFIsSublineEmpty LssbGetObjDimSubline - VERSION.dll:
GetFileVersionInfoSizeW GetFileVersionInfoW VerQueryValueW - ADVAPI32.dll:
CryptAcquireContextA CryptAcquireContextW CryptGenRandom CryptReleaseContext OpenProcessToken RegCloseKey RegCreateKeyExW RegDeleteValueW RegEnumKeyExW RegEnumKeyW RegEnumValueW RegOpenKeyA RegOpenKeyExA RegOpenKeyExW RegOpenKeyW RegQueryInfoKeyW RegQueryValueExA RegQueryValueExW RegQueryValueW RegSetValueExW ntdll!EtwGetTraceEnableFlags ntdll!EtwGetTraceEnableLevel ntdll!EtwGetTraceLoggerHandle ntdll!EtwLogTraceEvent ntdll!EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW ntdll!EtwUnregisterTraceGuids