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Windows 7 DLL File Information - ntshrui.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 7, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Shell extensions for sharing  
File Version: 6.1.7100.0 (winmain_win7rc.090421-1700)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - 1 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file.
File Size: 431 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 15
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 15

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 188,928 Bytes 42.8% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00030000 4,096 Bytes 0.9% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00031000 238,592 Bytes 54.0% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x0006c000 9,216 Bytes 2.1% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

ntshrui.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when ntshrui.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, ntshrui.dll won't be loaded.


List of files that are statically linked to ntshrui.dll


This means that when one of the above files is loaded, ntshrui.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 8 229,861 Bytes 52.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 9 5,930 Bytes 1.3%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 2 104 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 181 17,030 Bytes 3.9%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 1 1,170 Bytes 0.3%
All Others 4 8,470 Bytes 1.9%
Total 205 262,565 Bytes 59.4%

Icons in this file

There are 8 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:

Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)

In the following section, you can find the captions of dialog-boxes stored in this DLL. The list is currently limited to 200 dialogs.
ID Dialog Caption
1009 Advanced Sharing
1018 New Share
3001 Property Page
3002 Property Page
3003 Property Page
3004 Property Page
3005 Property Page
3006 File Sharing

String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)

String ID String Text
100 Could not find message 0x%08lx in the application message file.
101 Could not find message 0x%08lx in the network message file.
102 Could not find network error messages.
103 S&hare with
104 S&hared with
107 Share
108 Windows File Sharing
109 %1%2
112 Read
113 Change
114 Full Control
117 Share Permissions
118 Making this folder private will prevent all of its subfolders from being shared on the network. Are you sure you want to make this folder private?
128 A share name can't contain any of the following characters: %1
136 This folder is shared with other people
137 %1 Folder: %2 Share Name: %3
138 %1 Folder: %2 Share Names: %3
139 If you delete this folder, it will no longer be shared.
140 If you move this folder, it will no longer be shared.
141 If you rename this folder, it will no longer be shared.
142 Continue
143 %s, %s
144 This folder has one or more of its subfolders shared with other people
145 If you delete this folder, other people won't be able to access its shared content.
146 If you move this folder, other people won't be able to access its shared content.
147 If you rename this folder, other people won't be able to access its shared content.
148 %1 Folder: %2
149 %1 Folder: %2
2129 Individual Items
2130 %1 Library
3200 Sharing
3202 Shared
3203 Not Shared
3204 File Sharing
3300 This action requires permission.
3301 Do you want to share the selected items?
3302 Do you want to share this folder?
3303 Do you want to stop sharing this folder?
3320 Choose people on your network to share with
3321 Choose people to share with
3322 Type a name and then click Add, or click the arrow to find someone.
3324 Name
3325 Permission Level
3326 Find people...
3327 Create a new user...
3328 Windows was unable to find %1
3329 Click Find to search for users to share with or OK to continue.
3330 <Unknown Contact>
3331 S&hare
3332 Permission: %s
3333 You can share your files and folders with other people who use this computer. Select them below.
3335 &Find
3350 Do you want to give other people access to these folders?
3351 To share your files as Read/Write, Windows must give the folders listed below the same permissions. If you continue, other people will be able to add additional files to them.
3352 Items Shared: %1
3353 %1, %2
3361 Sharing items...
3362 Stop sharing...
3363 %1 (%2)
3401 Your file is shared.
3402 Your folder is shared.
3403 Your drive is shared.
3404 Your files are shared.
3405 Your folders are shared.
3410 You can <A href="EmailLinks">e-mail</A> someone links to these shared items, or <A href="CopyLinks">copy</A> and paste the links into another program.
3421 Your file could not be shared.
3422 Your folder can't be shared.
3423 Your drive can't be shared.
3424 Your files can't be shared.
3425 Your folders can't be shared.
3431 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
3432 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
3433 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
3434 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
3435 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
3441 The selected file is no longer shared.
3442 The selected folder is no longer shared.
3443 The selected drive is no longer shared.
3444 The selected files are no longer shared.
3445 The selected folders are no longer shared.
3451 Windows can't stop sharing the selected file.
3452 Windows can't stop sharing the selected folder.
3453 Windows can't stop sharing the selected drive.
3454 Windows can't stop sharing the selected files.
3455 Windows can't stop sharing the selected folders.
3461 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
3462 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
3463 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
3464 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
3465 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
3471 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when sharing this file.</A>
3472 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when sharing this folder.</A>
3473 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when sharing this drive.</A>
3474 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when sharing these files.</A>
3475 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when sharing these folders.</A>
3481 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this file.</A>
3482 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this folder.</A>
3483 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this drive.</A>
3484 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing these files.</A>
3485 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing these folders.</A>
3486 <A href="ShowFiles">Show me all the files I'm sharing.</A>
3487 <A href="ShowShares">Show me all the network shares on this computer.</A>
3488 <A href="ShowPowerCPL">Shared items aren't accessible when your computer is asleep.</A>
3489 Windows added the location to your library, but couldn't share the location.
3490 Windows added the locations to your library, but couldn't share one or more locations.
3491 Windows removed the location from your library, but couldn't stop sharing the location.
3492 Windows removed the locations from your library, but couldn't stop sharing one or more locations.
3493 Windows can't change this folder's sharing settings because it's on another computer.
3494 Windows cant find this folder.
3599 &Done
3609 An unknown error occurred.
3610 You don't have permission to share or stop sharing this file.
3611 This file is outside your user account folder.
3612 This file is in a shared folder.
3613 These items can't be shared.
3614 Unable to exclude this item.
3620 You don't have permission to share or stop sharing this folder.
3621 This folder is outside your user account folder.
3622 This folder is in a shared folder.
3630 You don't have permission to share or stop sharing this library.
3631 You don't have permission to share this library.
3632 This library is in a shared folder.
3633 Can't access library.
3634 The library couldn't be published.
3635 The library couldn't be unpublished.
3636 Your items are shared, but other people might not see them in your library.
3740 Read
3741 Contribute
3742 Read/Write
3743 Owner
3744 Mixed
3745 Custom
3746 Read allows people to open, but not change files
3747 Contribute allows people to create new files and change them, but only open other files
3748 Read/Write allows people to open, change and create files
3749 Owner allows people to open, change and create files
3750 This person has multiple permissions for the selected files
3751 The permissions don't match Read, Read/Write or Contribute
3762 I've shared a folder with you
3764 I've shared files with you
3766 I've shared some of my files or folders with you. To open them, just click the link(s) below.
3767 I've shared some of my files or folders with you. To open them, just click the link(s) below.
3768 %1 (%2)
3769 Homegroup
5101 Your system administrator has blocked you from running this program
5102 People without a user account and password for this computer can access folders shared with everyone. To change this setting, use the <a>Network and Sharing Center</a>.
5103 People must have a user account and password for this computer to access shared folders. To change this setting, use the <a>Network and Sharing Center</a>.
5104 Nobody
5105 Homegroup (Read)
5106 Homegroup (Read/Write)
5107 Specific people...
5108 Makes the selected items private so other people cant access them.
5109 Allows homegroup members to open, but not change, the selected items.
5110 Opens Windows HomeGroup in Control Panel.
5111 Opens the Windows File Sharing wizard to choose specific people or permission levels.
5112 Share the selected items with other people on the network.
5113 Your library is now shared.
5114 Your library couldn't be shared.
5115 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
5116 The selected library is no longer shared.
5117 Windows encountered an error when trying to stop sharing this library.
5118 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
5119 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when sharing this library.</A>
5120 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing this library.</A>
5121 Your libraries are now shared.
5122 Your libraries couldn't be shared.
5123 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
5124 The selected libraries are no longer shared.
5125 Windows couldn't stop sharing the selected libraries.
5126 <A href="ShowErrors">More information</A>
5127 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when sharing these libraries.</A>
5128 <A href="ShowErrors">%d error(s) occurred when trying to stop sharing these libraries.</A>
5129 Allows homegroup members to open or change the selected items.
5130 Advanced sharing...
5131 Opens the Advanced Sharing dialog to share the selected item.
5132 Advanced sharing settings...
5133 Change your Public folder sharing options.
5134 The File Sharing wizard can't share the root of a drive.
5135 The File Sharing wizard can't share system folders.
5136 The File Sharing wizard can't share system folders.
5137 These items can't be shared.

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
CanShareFolder DllCanUnloadNow DllGetClassObject
GetLocalPathFromNetResource GetLocalPathFromNetResourceA GetLocalPathFromNetResourceW
GetNetResourceFromLocalPath GetNetResourceFromLocalPathA GetNetResourceFromLocalPathW
IsFolderPrivateForUser IsPathShared IsPathSharedA
IsPathSharedW SetFolderPermissionsForSharing ShowShareFolderUI


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: