Windows 7 DLL File Information - pnpui.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 7, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | Plug and Play User Interface DLL |
File Version: | 5.2.3668.0 |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Microsoft Windows Operating System |
DLL popularity | Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 371 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 3 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 3 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 40,960 Bytes | 10.8% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x0000b000 | 512 Bytes | 0.1% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x00023000 | 333,824 Bytes | 87.9% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x00075000 | 3,584 Bytes | 0.9% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
pnpui.dll is statically linked to the following files:msvcrt.dll
This means that when pnpui.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, pnpui.dll won't be loaded.
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 16 | 247,219 Bytes | 65.1% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 1 | 5,512 Bytes | 1.5% |
AVI Files | 3 | 69,558 Bytes | 18.3% |
Dialog-Boxes | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
HTML Related Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 53 | 6,594 Bytes | 1.7% |
Type Libraries | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Manifest | 1 | 711 Bytes | 0.2% |
All Others | 4 | 3,873 Bytes | 1.0% |
Total | 78 | 333,467 Bytes | 87.8% |
Icons in this file
There are 16 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:
Cursors in this file
No cursors found in this file
Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)
No dialog resources in this file.
String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)
String ID | String Text |
200 | Windows Security |
201 | &Always trust software from "%1". |
202 | Windows can't verify the publisher of this driver software |
203 | Unknown Publisher |
204 | The driver software you're attempting to install does not have a valid digital signature that verifies who published it, and could potentially be malicious software. You should only install driver software from publishers you trust. <A HREF="mshelp://windows/?id=5622d7d6-531b-4e76-be48-0059d38339c4">How can I decide which device software is safe to install?</A> |
205 | Unidentified Device |
206 | You should only install driver software from publishers you trust. <A HREF="mshelp://windows/?id=5622d7d6-531b-4e76-be48-0059d38339c4">How can I decide which device software is safe to install?</A> |
207 | Windows has prevented installation of this software. <A HREF="mshelp://windows/?id=5622d7d6-531b-4e76-be48-0059d38339c4">Learn more about software protection</A> |
208 | Would you like to install this device software? |
209 | This driver software came from a publisher your Administrator does not trust. |
210 | This driver software has been altered |
211 | This driver software was altered after the digital signature that verifies who publishes it was created. It could potentially be malicious software that could harm your computer or steal information. You should only install driver software from publishers you trust. <A HREF="mshelp://windows/?id=5622d7d6-531b-4e76-be48-0059d38339c4">How can I decide if I should install this software?</A> |
212 | Name: %1 |
213 | Publisher: %1 |
214 | Driver Software Installation |
215 | Installing driver software... |
216 | &Install |
217 | Installing device driver software |
218 | Click here for status. |
219 | Your device is ready to use |
220 | Device driver software installed successfully. |
221 | installed |
222 | Click here for details. |
223 | Device driver software was not successfully installed |
224 | Searching preconfigured driver folders |
225 | Searching disc... |
226 | Installing driver software... |
227 | Ready to use |
228 | Searching Windows Update... |
229 | Downloading %i%% of %.1f MB... |
230 | Waiting for user input... |
231 | Wizard canceled by user |
232 | No driver found |
233 | Failed |
234 | Finished, restart required |
235 | Do&n't Install |
236 | The software for this device has been successfully installed. |
237 | Please consult with your device manufacturer for assistance getting this device installed. |
238 | Installation prevented by policy |
239 | Device installation was prevented by policy |
240 | &Install this driver software anyway Only install driver software obtained from your manufacturer's website or disc. Unsigned software from other sources may harm your computer or steal information. |
241 | Do&n't install this driver software You should check your manufacturer's website for updated driver software for your device. |
242 | |
243 | Pending... |
244 | Device unplugged |
245 | Downloading %i%% of ?? MB... |
247 | Do you want to skip getting driver software from Windows Update? |
248 | Windows Update provides the latest available driver software which may work better for your device. You can check Windows Update later for the latest driver software. If you skip your device may not function at all. |
1600 | Change setting... |
1601 | Obtaining device driver software from Windows Update might take a while. <a>Skip obtaining driver software from Windows Update</a> |
1602 | You have skipped obtaining driver software from Windows Update. |
1603 | <A>What can I do if my device did not install properly?</A> |
1604 | You can change your setting to automatically search Windows Update for drivers |
COM Classes/Interfaces
There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:InstallSecurityPrompt | InstallSecurityPromptRunDllW | SimplifiedDINotificationW |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- msvcrt.dll:
_XcptFilter __dllonexit _amsg_exit _except_handler4_common _ftol2 _initterm _lock _onexit _unlock _vsnwprintf _wcsicmp _wtoi free malloc memset void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int) void __cdecl operator delete(void *) - ntdll.dll:
WinSqmAddToStream WinSqmEndSession WinSqmSetDWORD WinSqmStartSession - KERNEL32.dll:
CloseHandle CreateMutexW CreateThread ExitProcess FormatMessageW GetCommandLineW GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThreadId GetFileAttributesW GetLastError GetModuleFileNameW GetModuleHandleA GetModuleHandleW GetProcAddress GetProcessHeap GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetTickCount GetVersion HeapFree InterlockedCompareExchange InterlockedExchange LoadLibraryA LoadLibraryW LocalAlloc LocalFree OpenEventW OutputDebugStringA QueryPerformanceCounter SetEvent SetLastError SetUnhandledExceptionFilter Sleep TerminateProcess UnhandledExceptionFilter lstrlenW ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap ntdll!RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection ntdll!RtlLeaveCriticalSection - ADVAPI32.dll:
RegCloseKey RegOpenKeyExW RegQueryValueExW - USER32.dll:
CreateWindowExW DefWindowProcW DestroyWindow DispatchMessageW GetClassInfoW GetMessageW GetParent GetSystemMetrics KillTimer LoadBitmapW LoadIconW LoadImageW LoadStringW PostQuitMessage RegisterClassW RegisterClipboardFormatW SendMessageW SetActiveWindow SetForegroundWindow SetProcessDPIAware SetTimer SetWindowPos TranslateMessage - SETUPAPI.dll:
SetupCloseInfFile SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList SetupDiGetClassDescriptionExW SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW SetupDiLoadClassIcon SetupDiLoadDeviceIcon SetupDiOpenDeviceInfoW SetupFindFirstLineW SetupGetStringFieldW SetupOpenInfFileW cfgmgr32!CMP_WaitNoPendingInstallEvents - SHELL32.dll:
CommandLineToArgvW SHAppBarMessage SHGetStockIconInfo ShellExecuteExW Shell_NotifyIconW - ole32.dll:
CLSIDFromString CoCreateInstance CoInitialize CoUninitialize OleInitialize OleUninitialize - OLEAUT32.dll:
SysAllocString SysFreeString - CRYPT32.dll:
CertFreeCRLContext CertGetNameStringW - WINTRUST.dll:
CryptCATHandleFromStore WTHelperGetProvCertFromChain WTHelperGetProvSignerFromChain WinVerifyTrust - DUI70.dll:
CreateDUIWrapper InitProcessPriv InitThread StrToID UnInitProcessPriv UnInitThread protected: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::EraseBkgnd(struct HDC__ *,long *) protected: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::ActivateTooltip(class DirectUI::Element *,unsigned long) protected: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::RemoveTooltip(class DirectUI::Element *) protected: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::UpdateTooltip(class DirectUI::Element *) protected: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::OnHosted(class DirectUI::Element *) protected: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::OnUnHosted(class DirectUI::Element *) protected: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Proxy::OnInvoke(unsigned int,void *) protected: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::TaskPage::InitPropSheetPage(struct _PROPSHEETPAGEW *) public: __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::CCPushButton(unsigned long) public: __thiscall DirectUI::CallstackTracker::~CallstackTracker(void) public: __thiscall DirectUI::CallstackTracker::~CallstackTracker(void) public: __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::ClassInfoBase(void) public: bool __thiscall DirectUI::Element::IsRTL(void) public: class DirectUI::Element * __thiscall DirectUI::Element::FindDescendent(unsigned short) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::Initialize(struct HINSTANCE__ *,unsigned short const *,bool,struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo const * const *,unsigned int) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::Register(void) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::DUIXmlParser::CreateElement(unsigned short const *,class DirectUI::Element *,class DirectUI::Element *,unsigned long *,class DirectUI::Element * *) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::DUIXmlParser::SetXMLFromResource(unsigned int,struct HINSTANCE__ *,struct HINSTANCE__ *) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::Element::Destroy(bool) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::Element::SetActive(int) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::Element::SetContentString(unsigned short const *) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::Element::SetHeight(int) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::Element::SetID(unsigned short const *) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::Element::SetLayoutPos(int) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::Element::SetValue(struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo const * (__stdcall*)(void),int,class DirectUI::Value *) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::Element::SetVisible(bool) public: long __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::Initialize(unsigned int,unsigned int,class DirectUI::Element *,unsigned long *) public: static bool __stdcall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::ClassExist(struct DirectUI::IClassInfo * *,struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo const * const *,unsigned int,struct DirectUI::IClassInfo *,struct HINSTANCE__ *,unsigned short const *,bool) public: static class DirectUI::Value * __stdcall DirectUI::Value::CreateGraphic(struct HBITMAP__ *,unsigned char,unsigned int,bool,bool,bool) public: static class DirectUI::Value * __stdcall DirectUI::Value::CreateGraphic(struct HICON__ *,bool,bool,bool) public: static class DirectUI::Value * __stdcall DirectUI::Value::CreateGraphic(unsigned short const *,unsigned char,unsigned int,unsigned short,unsigned short,struct HINSTANCE__ *,bool,bool) public: static class UID __stdcall DirectUI::Button::Click(void) public: static long __stdcall DirectUI::CCPushButton::Register(void) public: static long __stdcall DirectUI::DUIXmlParser::Create(class DirectUI::DUIXmlParser * *,class DirectUI::Value * (__stdcall*)(unsigned short const *,void *),void *,void (__stdcall*)(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,int,void *),void *) public: static long __stdcall DirectUI::XBaby::Create(class DirectUI::Element *,unsigned long *,class DirectUI::Element * *) public: static struct DirectUI::IClassInfo * __stdcall DirectUI::CCPushButton::GetClassInfoPtr(void) public: static struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo const * __stdcall DirectUI::Element::ContentProp(void) public: static struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION * __stdcall DirectUI::Element::GetFactoryLock(void) public: struct DirectUI::IDataEntry * __thiscall DirectUI::Macro::GetDataEntry(void) public: virtual __thiscall DirectUI::CCBase::~CCBase(void) public: virtual __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::~ClassInfoBase(void) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::CCBase::OnCustomDraw(struct tagNMCUSTOMDRAWINFO *,long *) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::CCBase::OnLostDialogFocus(class DirectUI::DialogElement *) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::GetButtonColor(struct HDC__ *,struct HBRUSH__ * *) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::OnLostDialogFocus(class DirectUI::DialogElement *) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::OnMessage(unsigned int,unsigned int,long,long *) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::OnNotify(unsigned int,unsigned int,long,long *) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::OnReceivedDialogFocus(class DirectUI::DialogElement *) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::IsGlobal(void)const public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::IsSubclassOf(struct DirectUI::IClassInfo *)const public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::IsValidProperty(struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo const *)const public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::Element::EnsureVisible(int,int,int,int) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::Element::IsContentProtected(void) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::Element::OnPropertyChanging(struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo *,int,class DirectUI::Value *,class DirectUI::Value *) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::Element::OnPropertyChanging(struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo const *,int,class DirectUI::Value *,class DirectUI::Value *) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::GetKeyFocused(void) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::OnCtrlThemeChanged(unsigned int,unsigned int,long,long *) public: virtual bool __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::OnSinkThemeChanged(unsigned int,unsigned int,long,long *) public: virtual class DirectUI::Element * __thiscall DirectUI::Element::GetAdjacent(class DirectUI::Element *,int,struct DirectUI::NavReference const *,unsigned long) public: virtual int __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::GetChildren(void)const public: virtual int __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::Release(void) public: virtual int __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::OnAdjustWindowSize(int,int,unsigned int) public: virtual long __stdcall DirectUI::DuiAccessible::Clone(struct IEnumVARIANT * *) public: virtual long __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::DefaultAction(void) public: virtual long __thiscall DirectUI::Element::Add(class DirectUI::Element * *,unsigned int) public: virtual long __thiscall DirectUI::Element::Insert(class DirectUI::Element * *,unsigned int,unsigned int) public: virtual long __thiscall DirectUI::Element::Remove(class DirectUI::Element * *,unsigned int) public: virtual long __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::GetAccessibleImpl(struct IAccessible * *) public: virtual struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo const * __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::EnumPropertyInfo(unsigned int) public: virtual struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo const * __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::GetByClassIndex(unsigned int) public: virtual struct HINSTANCE__ * __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::GetModule(void)const public: virtual struct HWND__ * __thiscall DirectUI::CCBase::CreateHWND(struct HWND__ *) public: virtual struct tagSIZE __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::EstimateContentSize(int,int,class DirectUI::Surface *) public: virtual struct tagSIZE __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::GetContentSize(int,int,class DirectUI::Surface *) public: virtual struct tagSIZE __thiscall DirectUI::Progress::GetContentSize(int,int,class DirectUI::Surface *) public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::GetGlobalIndex(void)const public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::GetPICount(void)const public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::MessageCallback(struct tagGMSG *) public: virtual unsigned short const * __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::GetName(void)const public: virtual unsigned short const * __thiscall DirectUI::Element::GetContentStringAsDisplayed(class DirectUI::Value * *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::OnInput(struct DirectUI::InputEvent *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::OnPropertyChanged(struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo const *,int,class DirectUI::Value *,class DirectUI::Value *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::CCPushButton::OnSelectedPropertyChanged(void) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::AddChild(void) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::AddRef(void) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::ClassInfoBase::RemoveChild(void) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::HandleUiaDestroyListener(void) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::HandleUiaEventListener(struct DirectUI::Event *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::HandleUiaPropertyChangingListener(struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo const *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::HandleUiaPropertyListener(struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo const *,int,class DirectUI::Value *,class DirectUI::Value *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::OnGroupChanged(int,bool) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::OnKeyFocusMoved(class DirectUI::Element *,class DirectUI::Element *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::OnMouseFocusMoved(class DirectUI::Element *,class DirectUI::Element *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::OnPropertyChanged(struct DirectUI::PropertyInfo *,int,class DirectUI::Value *,class DirectUI::Value *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::OnDestroy(void) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::OnEvent(struct DirectUI::Event *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::OnWindowStyleChanged(unsigned int,struct tagSTYLESTRUCT const *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::Paint(struct HDC__ *,struct tagRECT const *,struct tagRECT const *,struct tagRECT *,struct tagRECT *) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::SetKeyFocus(void) public: virtual void __thiscall DirectUI::HWNDHost::SetWindowDirection(struct HWND__ *) public: void __thiscall DirectUI::DUIXmlParser::Destroy(void) public: void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::EndDefer(unsigned long) public: void __thiscall DirectUI::Element::StartDefer(unsigned long *) public: void __thiscall DirectUI::Value::Release(void)