Windows 7 DLL File Information
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Welcome to DLL information site for Windows 7.
This site was built by scanning all DLL files located in system32 directory of Windows 7 release candidate and
creating (with automatic script) a Web page for each DLL with all found infromation.
Each DLL information page includes:
- Version information - product name, company, file desctiption, and so on.
- DLL popularity - Shows you how many DLLs are statically linked to this file.
- List of files that are statically linked to the specified file. Displayed only when the number of files in the list is 10 or less.
- Sections information - Shows you the code and data sections in the DLL.
- Resources information - Displays a summary of resources stored in the DLL (icons, bitmaps, cursors, dialog-boxes, and so on)
- Icons Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all icons stored in the DLL.
- Cursors Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all cursors stored in the DLL.
- Strings information - Displays a list of strings stored in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 strings)
- Diaogbox information - Displays a list of dialog-boxes captions in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 dialog-boxes)
- Static Linking - Displays the list of DLL files that are statically linked to the DLL. When a DLL is loaded the DLL in this Static Linking list are also loaded with it.
- Exports/Imports List - A list of all imported and exported functions.
In order to browse into the right DLL page, select the first letter of the DLL file, and then you'll get a list of all dll files begins with this letter:
Here's the list of all DLL files begin with 'K':
Filename | Description |
KBDA1.DLL | Arabic_English_101 Keyboard Layout |
KBDA2.DLL | Arabic_2 Keyboard Layout |
KBDA3.DLL | Arabic_French_102 Keyboard Layout |
KBDAL.DLL | Albania Keyboard Layout |
KBDARME.DLL | Eastern Armenian Keyboard Layout |
KBDARMW.DLL | Western Armenian Keyboard Layout |
KBDAZE.DLL | Azerbaijan_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout |
KBDAZEL.DLL | Azeri-Latin Keyboard Layout |
KBDBASH.DLL | Bashkir Keyboard Layout |
KBDBE.DLL | Belgian Keyboard Layout |
KBDBENE.DLL | Belgian Dutch Keyboard Layout |
KBDBGPH.DLL | Bulgarian Phonetic Keyboard Layout |
KBDBGPH1.DLL | Bulgarian (Phonetic Traditional) Keyboard Layout |
KBDBHC.DLL | Bosnian (Cyrillic) Keyboard Layout |
KBDBLR.DLL | Belarusian Keyboard Layout |
KBDBR.DLL | Brazilian Keyboard Layout |
KBDBU.DLL | Bulgarian (Typewriter) Keyboard Layout |
KBDBULG.DLL | Bulgarian Keyboard Layout |
KBDCA.DLL | Canadian Multilingual Keyboard Layout |
KBDCAN.DLL | Canadian Multilingual Standard Keyboard Layout |
KBDCR.DLL | Croatian/Slovenian Keyboard Layout |
KBDCZ.DLL | Czech Keyboard Layout |
KBDCZ1.DLL | Czech_101 Keyboard Layout |
KBDCZ2.DLL | Czech_Programmer's Keyboard Layout |
KBDDA.DLL | Danish Keyboard Layout |
KBDDIV1.DLL | Divehi Phonetic Keyboard Layout |
KBDDIV2.DLL | Divehi Typewriter Keyboard Layout |
KBDDV.DLL | Dvorak US English Keyboard Layout |
KBDES.DLL | Spanish Alernate Keyboard Layout |
KBDEST.DLL | Estonia Keyboard Layout |
KBDFA.DLL | Persian Keyboard Layout |
KBDFC.DLL | Canadian French Keyboard Layout |
KBDFI.DLL | Finnish Keyboard Layout |
KBDFI1.DLL | Finnish-Swedish with Sami Keyboard Layout |
KBDFO.DLL | Froese Keyboard Layout |
KBDFR.DLL | French Keyboard Layout |
KBDGAE.DLL | Gaelic Keyboard Layout |
KBDGEO.DLL | Georgian Keyboard Layout |
KBDGKL.DLL | Greek_Latin Keyboard Layout |
KBDGR.DLL | German Keyboard Layout |
KBDGR1.DLL | German_IBM Keyboard Layout |
KBDGRLND.DLL | Greenlandic Keyboard Layout |
KBDHAU.DLL | Hausa Keyboard Layout |
KBDHE.DLL | Greek Keyboard Layout |
KBDHE220.DLL | Greek IBM 220 Keyboard Layout |
KBDHE319.DLL | Greek IBM 319 Keyboard Layout |
KBDHEB.DLL | KBDHEB Keyboard Layout |
KBDHELA2.DLL | Greek IBM 220 Latin Keyboard Layout |
KBDHELA3.DLL | Greek IBM 319 Latin Keyboard Layout |
KBDHEPT.DLL | Greek_Polytonic Keyboard Layout |
KBDHU.DLL | Hungarian Keyboard Layout |
KBDHU1.DLL | Hungarian 101-key Keyboard Layout |
KBDIBO.DLL | Igbo Keyboard Layout |
KBDIC.DLL | Icelandic Keyboard Layout |
KBDINASA.DLL | Assamese (Inscript) Keyboard Layout |
KBDINBE1.DLL | Bengali - Inscript (Legacy) Keyboard Layout |
KBDINBE2.DLL | Bengali (Inscript) Keyboard Layout |
KBDINBEN.DLL | Bengali Keyboard Layout |
KBDINDEV.DLL | Devanagari Keyboard Layout |
KBDINGUJ.DLL | Gujarati Keyboard Layout |
KBDINHIN.DLL | Hindi Keyboard Layout |
KBDINKAN.DLL | Kannada Keyboard Layout |
KBDINMAL.DLL | Malayalam Keyboard Layout Keyboard Layout |
KBDINMAR.DLL | Marathi Keyboard Layout |
KBDINORI.DLL | Oriya Keyboard Layout |
KBDINPUN.DLL | Punjabi/Gurmukhi Keyboard Layout |
KBDINTAM.DLL | Tamil Keyboard Layout |
KBDINTEL.DLL | Telugu Keyboard Layout |
KBDINUK2.DLL | Inuktitut Naqittaut Keyboard Layout |
KBDIR.DLL | Irish Keyboard Layout |
KBDIT.DLL | Italian Keyboard Layout |
KBDIT142.DLL | Italian 142 Keyboard Layout |
KBDIULAT.DLL | Inuktitut Latin Keyboard Layout |
KBDJPN.DLL | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout Stub driver |
KBDKAZ.DLL | Kazak_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout |
KBDKHMR.DLL | Cambodian Standard Keyboard Layout |
KBDKOR.DLL | KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout Stub driver |
KBDKYR.DLL | Kyrgyz Keyboard Layout |
KBDLA.DLL | Latin-American Spanish Keyboard Layout |
KBDLAO.DLL | Lao Standard Keyboard Layout |
KBDLT.DLL | Lithuania Keyboard Layout |
KBDLT1.DLL | Lithuanian Keyboard Layout |
KBDLT2.DLL | Lithuanian Standard Keyboard Layout |
KBDLV.DLL | Latvia Keyboard Layout |
KBDLV1.DLL | Latvia-QWERTY Keyboard Layout |
KBDMAC.DLL | Macedonian (FYROM) Keyboard Layout |
KBDMACST.DLL | Macedonian (FYROM) - Standard Keyboard Layout |
KBDMAORI.DLL | Maori Keyboard Layout |
KBDMLT47.DLL | Maltese 47-key Keyboard Layout |
KBDMLT48.DLL | Maltese 48-key Keyboard Layout |
KBDMON.DLL | Mongolian Keyboard Layout |
KBDMONMO.DLL | Mongolian (Mongolian Script) Keyboard Layout |
KBDNE.DLL | Dutch Keyboard Layout |
KBDNEPR.DLL | Nepali Keyboard Layout |
KBDNO.DLL | Norwegian Keyboard Layout |
KBDNO1.DLL | Norwegian with Sami Keyboard Layout |
KBDNSO.DLL | Sesotho sa Leboa Keyboard Layout |
KBDPASH.DLL | Pashto (Afghanistan) Keyboard Layout |
KBDPL.DLL | Polish Keyboard Layout |
KBDPL1.DLL | Polish Programmer's Keyboard Layout |
KBDPO.DLL | Portuguese Keyboard Layout |
KBDRO.DLL | Romanian (Legacy) Keyboard Layout |
KBDROPR.DLL | Romanian (Programmers) Keyboard Layout |
KBDROST.DLL | Romanian (Standard) Keyboard Layout |
KBDRU.DLL | Russian Keyboard Layout |
KBDRU1.DLL | Russia(Typewriter) Keyboard Layout |
KBDSF.DLL | Swiss French Keyboard Layout |
KBDSG.DLL | Swiss German Keyboard Layout |
KBDSL.DLL | Slovak Keyboard Layout |
KBDSL1.DLL | Slovak(QWERTY) Keyboard Layout |
KBDSMSFI.DLL | Sami Extended Finland-Sweden Keyboard Layout |
KBDSMSNO.DLL | Sami Extended Norway Keyboard Layout |
KBDSN1.DLL | Sinhala Keyboard Layout |
KBDSOREX.DLL | Sorbian Extended Keyboard Layout |
KBDSORS1.DLL | Sorbian Standard Keyboard Layout |
KBDSORST.DLL | Sorbian Standard (Legacy) Keyboard Layout |
KBDSP.DLL | Spanish Keyboard Layout |
KBDSW.DLL | Swedish Keyboard Layout |
KBDSW09.DLL | Sinhala - Wij 9 Keyboard Layout |
KBDSYR1.DLL | Syriac Standard Keyboard Layout |
KBDSYR2.DLL | Syriac Phoenetic Keyboard Layout |
KBDTAJIK.DLL | Tajik Keyboard Layout |
KBDTAT.DLL | Tatar_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout |
KBDTH0.DLL | Thai Kedmanee Keyboard Layout |
KBDTH1.DLL | Thai Pattachote Keyboard Layout |
KBDTH2.DLL | Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) Keyboard Layout |
KBDTH3.DLL | Thai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) Keyboard Layout |
KBDTIPRC.DLL | Tibetan (PRC) Keyboard Layout |
KBDTUF.DLL | Turkish F Keyboard Layout |
KBDTUQ.DLL | Turkish Q Keyboard Layout |
KBDTURME.DLL | Turkmen Keyboard Layout |
KBDUGHR.DLL | Uyghur (Legacy) Keyboard Layout |
KBDUGHR1.DLL | Uyghur Keyboard Layout |
KBDUK.DLL | United Kingdom Keyboard Layout |
KBDUKX.DLL | United Kingdom Extended Keyboard Layout |
KBDUR.DLL | Ukrainian Keyboard Layout |
KBDUR1.DLL | Ukrainian (Enhanced) Keyboard Layout |
KBDURDU.DLL | Urdu Keyboard Layout |
KBDUS.DLL | United States Keyboard Layout |
KBDUSA.DLL | US IBM Arabic 238_L Keyboard Layout |
KBDUSL.DLL | Dvorak Left-Hand US English Keyboard Layout |
KBDUSR.DLL | Dvorak Right-Hand US English Keyboard Layout |
KBDUSX.DLL | US Multinational Keyboard Layout |
KBDUZB.DLL | Uzbek_Cyrillic Keyboard Layout |
KBDVNTC.DLL | Vietnamese Keyboard Layout |
KBDWOL.DLL | Wolof Keyboard Layout |
KBDYAK.DLL | Yakut - Russia Keyboard Layout |
KBDYBA.DLL | Yoruba Keyboard Layout |
KBDYCC.DLL | Serbian (Cyrillic) Keyboard Layout |
KBDYCL.DLL | Serbian (Latin) Keyboard Layout |
KMSVC.DLL | Key Management Service |
KernelBase.dll | Windows NT BASE API Client DLL |
kbd101.dll | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 101 |
kbd101a.dll | KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101 (Type A) |
kbd101b.dll | KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101(Type B) |
kbd101c.dll | KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 101(Type C) |
kbd103.dll | KO Hangeul Keyboard Layout for 103 |
kbd106.dll | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 106 |
kbd106n.dll | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for 106 |
kbdax2.dll | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for AX2 |
kbdgeoer.dll | Georgian (Ergonomic) Keyboard Layout |
kbdgeoqw.dll | Georgian (QWERTY) Keyboard Layout |
kbdibm02.dll | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for IBM 5576-002/003 |
kbdlk41a.dll | DEC LK411-AJ Keyboard Layout |
kbdnec.dll | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800) |
kbdnec95.dll | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800 Windows 95) |
kbdnecat.dll | JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for (NEC PC-9800 on PC98-NX) |
kbdnecnt.dll | JP Japanese NEC PC-9800 Keyboard Layout |
kd1394.dll | 1394 Kernel Debugger |
kdcom.dll | Serial Kernel Debugger |
kdusb.dll | USB 2.0 Kernel Debugger |
kerberos.dll | Kerberos Security Package |
kernel32.dll | Windows NT BASE API Client DLL |
kernelceip.dll | Kernel Ceip Task |
keyiso.dll | CNG Key Isolation Service |
keymgr.dll | Stored User Names and Passwords |
korwbrkr.dll | korwbrkr |
ksuser.dll | User CSA Library |
ktmw32.dll | Windows KTM Win32 Client DLL |