Windows 7 DLL File Information
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Welcome to DLL information site for Windows 7.
This site was built by scanning all DLL files located in system32 directory of Windows 7 release candidate and
creating (with automatic script) a Web page for each DLL with all found infromation.
Each DLL information page includes:
- Version information - product name, company, file desctiption, and so on.
- DLL popularity - Shows you how many DLLs are statically linked to this file.
- List of files that are statically linked to the specified file. Displayed only when the number of files in the list is 10 or less.
- Sections information - Shows you the code and data sections in the DLL.
- Resources information - Displays a summary of resources stored in the DLL (icons, bitmaps, cursors, dialog-boxes, and so on)
- Icons Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all icons stored in the DLL.
- Cursors Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all cursors stored in the DLL.
- Strings information - Displays a list of strings stored in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 strings)
- Diaogbox information - Displays a list of dialog-boxes captions in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 dialog-boxes)
- Static Linking - Displays the list of DLL files that are statically linked to the DLL. When a DLL is loaded the DLL in this Static Linking list are also loaded with it.
- Exports/Imports List - A list of all imported and exported functions.
In order to browse into the right DLL page, select the first letter of the DLL file, and then you'll get a list of all dll files begins with this letter:
Here's the list of all DLL files begin with 'S':
Filename | Description |
SCardDlg.dll | SCardDlg - Smart Card Common Dialog |
SCardSvr.dll | Smart Card Resource Management Server |
SMBHelperClass.dll | SMB (File Sharing) Helper Class for Network Diagnostic Framework |
SNTSearch.dll | Sticky Notes Search DLL |
SPInf.dll | Windows SPINF |
SSShim.dll | Windows Componentization Platform Servicing API |
SampleRes.dll | Microsoft Samples |
SearchFolder.dll | SearchFolder |
Sens.dll | System Event Notification Service (SENS) |
SensApi.dll | SENS Connectivity API DLL |
SensorsApi.dll | Sensor API |
SensorsClassExtension.dll | Sensor Driver Class Extension component |
SensorsCpl.dll | Open Location and Other Sensors |
SessEnv.dll | Remote Desktop Configuration service |
SmartcardCredentialProvider.dll | Windows Smartcard Credential Provider |
SmiEngine.dll | WMI Configuration Core |
SndVolSSO.dll | SCA Volume |
SortServer2003Compat.dll | Sort Version Server 2003 |
SortWindows6Compat.dll | Sort Version Windows 6.0 |
SrpUxNativeSnapIn.dll | Application Control Policies Group Policy Editor Extension |
StorageContextHandler.dll | Device Center Storage Context Menu Handler |
Storprop.dll | Property Pages for Storage Devices |
StructuredQuery.dll | Structured Query |
SyncCenter.dll | Microsoft Sync Center |
SyncHostps.dll | Proxystub for sync host |
SyncInfrastructure.dll | Microsoft Windows Sync Infrastructure. |
SyncInfrastructureps.dll | Microsoft Windows sync infrastructure proxy stub. |
Syncreg.dll | Microsoft Synchronization Framework Registration |
SysFxUI.dll | Audio System FX Control Panel Extension |
samcli.dll | Security Accounts Manager Client DLL |
samlib.dll | SAM Library DLL |
samsrv.dll | SAM Server DLL |
sas.dll | WinLogon Software SAS Library |
sbe.dll | DirectShow Stream Buffer Filter. |
sbeio.dll | Stream Buffer IO DLL |
sberes.dll | DirectShow Stream Buffer Filter Resouces. |
scansetting.dll | Microsoft Windows(TM) ScanSettings Profile and Scanning implementation |
sccls.dll | Class-Installer DLL for Smart Cards |
scecli.dll | Windows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine |
scesrv.dll | Windows Security Configuration Editor Engine |
scext.dll | Service Control Manager Extension DLL for non-minwin |
schannel.dll | TLS / SSL Security Provider |
schedcli.dll | Scheduler Service Client DLL |
schedsvc.dll | Task Scheduler Service |
scksp.dll | Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider |
scripto.dll | Microsoft ScriptO |
scrobj.dll | Windows Script Component Runtime |
scrptadm.dll | Script Adm Extension |
scrrun.dll | Microsoft Script Runtime |
sdautoplay.dll | Microsoft Windows Backup AutoPlay Integration Library |
sdcpl.dll | Windows Backup And Restore Control Panel |
sdengin2.dll | Microsoft Windows Backup Engine |
sdhcinst.dll | Secure Digital Host Controller Class Installer |
sdiageng.dll | Scripted Diagnostics Execution Engine |
sdiagprv.dll | Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API |
sdiagschd.dll | Scripted Diagnostics Scheduled Task |
sdohlp.dll | NPS SDO Helper Component |
sdrsvc.dll | Microsoft Windows Backup Service |
sdshext.dll | Microsoft Windows Backup Shell Extension |
sechost.dll | Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs |
seclogon.dll | Secondary Logon Service DLL |
secproc.dll | Windows Rights Management Desktop Security Processor |
secproc_isv.dll | Windows Rights Management Desktop Security Processor |
secproc_ssp.dll | Windows Rights Management Services Server Security Processor |
secproc_ssp_isv.dll | Windows Rights Management Services Server Security Processor (Pre-production) |
secur32.dll | Security Support Provider Interface |
security.dll | Security Support Provider Interface |
sendmail.dll | Send Mail |
sensrsvc.dll | Microsoft Windows ambient light service |
serialui.dll | Serial Port Property Pages |
serwvdrv.dll | Unimodem Serial Wave driver |
setbcdlocale.dll | MUI Callback for Bcd |
setupapi.dll | Windows Setup API |
setupcln.dll | Setup Files Cleanup |
setupetw.dll | Setup ETW Event Resources |
sfc.dll | Windows File Protection |
sfc_os.dll | Windows File Protection |
shacct.dll | Shell Accounts Classes |
sharemediacpl.dll | Share Media Control Panel |
shdocvw.dll | Shell Doc Object and Control Library |
shell32.dll | Windows Shell Common Dll |
shellstyle.dll | Windows Shell Style Resource Dll |
shfolder.dll | Shell Folder Service |
shgina.dll | Windows Shell User Logon |
shimeng.dll | Shim Engine DLL |
shimgvw.dll | Photo Gallery Viewer |
shlwapi.dll | Shell Light-weight Utility Library |
shpafact.dll | Windows Shell LUA/PA Elevation Factory Dll |
shsetup.dll | Shell setup helper |
shsvcs.dll | Windows Shell Services Dll |
shunimpl.dll | Windows Shell Obsolete APIs |
shwebsvc.dll | Windows Shell Web Services |
signdrv.dll | WMI provider for Signed Drivers |
sisbkup.dll | Single-Instance Store Backup Support Functions |
slc.dll | Software Licensing Client Dll |
slcext.dll | Software Licensing Client Extension Dll |
slwga.dll | Software Licensing WGA API |
snmpapi.dll | SNMP Utility Library |
softkbd.dll | Soft Keyboard Server and Tip |
softpub.dll | Softpub Forwarder DLL |
spbcd.dll | BCD Sysprep Plugin |
spcmsg.dll | SP Installer Msg Dll |
sperror.dll | SP Error |
spfileq.dll | Windows SPFILEQ |
spnet.dll | Net Sysprep Plugin |
spoolss.dll | Spooler SubSystem DLL |
spopk.dll | OPK Sysprep Plugin |
spp.dll | Microsoft Windows Shared Protection Point Library |
sppc.dll | Software Licensing Client Dll |
sppcc.dll | Software Licensing Commerce Client |
sppcext.dll | Software Protection Platform Client Extension Dll |
sppcomapi.dll | Software Licensing Library |
sppcommdlg.dll | Software Licensing UI API |
sppinst.dll | SPP CMI Installer Plug-in DLL |
sppnp.dll | PnP module of SysPrep |
sppobjs.dll | Software Protection Platform Plugins |
sppuinotify.dll | SPP Notification Service |
sppwinob.dll | Software Protection Platform Windows Plugin |
sppwmi.dll | Software Protection Platform WMI provider |
spwinsat.dll | WinSAT Sysprep Plugin |
spwizeng.dll | Setup Wizard Framework |
spwizimg.dll | Setup Wizard Framework Resources |
spwizres.dll | Setup Wizard Framework Resources |
spwizui.dll | SPC Wizard UI |
spwmp.dll | Windows Media Player System Preparation DLL |
sqlceoledb30.dll | Microsoft SQL Mobile |
sqlceqp30.dll | Microsoft SQL Mobile |
sqlcese30.dll | Microsoft SQL Mobile |
sqlsrv32.dll | SQL Server ODBC Driver |
sqlunirl.dll | String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components |
sqlwid.dll | Unicode Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components |
sqlwoa.dll | Unicode/ANSI Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components |
sqmapi.dll | SQM Client |
srchadmin.dll | Indexing Options |
srclient.dll | Microsoft Windows System Restore Client Library |
srcore.dll | Microsoft Windows System Restore Core Library |
srhelper.dll | Microsoft Windows driver and windows update enumeration library |
srrstr.dll | Microsoft Windows System Protection Configuration Library |
srvcli.dll | Server Service Client DLL |
srvsvc.dll | Server Service DLL |
srwmi.dll | Microsoft Windows System Restore WMI Provider |
sscore.dll | Server Service Core DLL |
ssdpapi.dll | SSDP Client API DLL |
ssdpsrv.dll | SSDP Service DLL |
sspicli.dll | Security Support Provider Interface |
sspisrv.dll | LSA SSPI RPC interface DLL |
sstpsvc.dll | Provides the facility of using Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) to connect to remote computers (using VPN). |
stclient.dll | COM+ Configuration Catalog Client |
sti.dll | Still Image Devices client DLL |
sti_ci.dll | Still Image Class Installer |
stobject.dll | Systray shell service object |
streamci.dll | Streaming Device Class Installer |
sud.dll | SUD Control Panel |
swprv.dll | Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service software provider |
sxproxy.dll | Microsoft Windows System Protection Proxy Library |
sxs.dll | Fusion 2.5 |
sxshared.dll | Microsoft Windows SX Shared Library |
sxssrv.dll | Windows SxS Server DLL |
sxsstore.dll | Sxs Store DLL |
synceng.dll | Windows Briefcase Engine |
syncui.dll | Windows Briefcase |
sysclass.dll | System Class Installer Library |
sysmain.dll | Superfetch Service Host |
sysntfy.dll | Windows Notifications Dynamic Link Library |
sysprepMCE.dll | Windows Media Center SysPrep DLL |
syssetup.dll | Windows NT System Setup |
systemcpl.dll | My System CPL |