Windows 7 DLL File Information
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Welcome to DLL information site for Windows 7.
This site was built by scanning all DLL files located in system32 directory of Windows 7 release candidate and
creating (with automatic script) a Web page for each DLL with all found infromation.
Each DLL information page includes:
- Version information - product name, company, file desctiption, and so on.
- DLL popularity - Shows you how many DLLs are statically linked to this file.
- List of files that are statically linked to the specified file. Displayed only when the number of files in the list is 10 or less.
- Sections information - Shows you the code and data sections in the DLL.
- Resources information - Displays a summary of resources stored in the DLL (icons, bitmaps, cursors, dialog-boxes, and so on)
- Icons Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all icons stored in the DLL.
- Cursors Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all cursors stored in the DLL.
- Strings information - Displays a list of strings stored in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 strings)
- Diaogbox information - Displays a list of dialog-boxes captions in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 dialog-boxes)
- Static Linking - Displays the list of DLL files that are statically linked to the DLL. When a DLL is loaded the DLL in this Static Linking list are also loaded with it.
- Exports/Imports List - A list of all imported and exported functions.
In order to browse into the right DLL page, select the first letter of the DLL file, and then you'll get a list of all dll files begins with this letter:
Here's the list of all DLL files begin with 'W':
Filename | Description |
WABSyncProvider.dll | Microsoft Windows Contacts Sync Provider |
WFSR.dll | Windows Fax and Scan Resources |
WLanConn.dll | Dot11 Connection Flows |
WLanHC.dll | Wireless LAN Helper Classes |
WMADMOD.DLL | Windows Media Audio Decoder |
WMADMOE.DLL | Windows Media Audio 10 Encoder/Transcoder |
WMASF.DLL | Windows Media ASF DLL |
WMNetMgr.dll | Windows Media Network Plugin Manager DLL |
WMPEncEn.dll | Windows Media Player Encoding Module |
WMPhoto.dll | Windows Media Photo Codec |
WMSPDMOD.DLL | Windows Media Audio Voice Decoder |
WMSPDMOE.DLL | Windows Media Audio Voice Encoder |
WMVCORE.DLL | Windows Media Playback/Authoring DLL |
WMVDECOD.DLL | Windows Media Video Decoder |
WMVENCOD.DLL | Windows Media Video 9 Encoder |
WMVSDECD.DLL | Windows Media Screen Decoder |
WMVSENCD.DLL | Windows Media Screen Encoder |
WMVXENCD.DLL | Windows Media Video Encoder |
WPDShServiceObj.dll | Windows Portable Device Shell Service Object |
WPDSp.dll | WMDM Service Provider for Windows Portable Devices |
WSDApi.dll | Web Services for Devices API DLL |
WSDMon.dll | WSD Printer Port Monitor |
WSDPrintProxy.DLL | Function Discovery Printer Proxy Dll |
WSDScanProxy.dll | Function Discovery WSD Scanner Proxy Dll |
WSHTCPIP.DLL | Winsock2 Helper DLL (TL/IPv4) |
WSManMigrationPlugin.dll | WinRM Migration Plugin |
WUDFCoinstaller.dll | Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Platform Device Co-Installer |
WUDFPlatform.dll | Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Platform Library |
WUDFSvc.dll | Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Service |
WUDFx.dll | WDF:UMDF Framework Library |
WWanAPI.dll | Mbnapi |
WWanHC.dll | Wireless WAN Helper Class |
WavDest.dll | Windows Sound Recorder |
WcnApi.dll | Windows Connect Now - API Helper DLL |
WcnEapAuthProxy.dll | Windows Connect Now - WCN EAP Authenticator Proxy |
WcnEapPeerProxy.dll | Windows Connect Now - WCN EAP PEER Proxy |
WcnNetsh.dll | WCN Netsh Helper DLL |
WcsPlugInService.dll | WcsPlugInService DLL |
WebClnt.dll | Web DAV Service DLL |
WfHC.dll | Windows Firewall Helper Class |
WinFax.dll | Microsoft Fax API Support DLL |
WinSATAPI.dll | Windows System Assessment Tool API |
WinSCard.dll | Microsoft Smart Card API |
WinSync.dll | Synchronization Framework |
WinSyncMetastore.dll | Windows Synchronization Metadata Store |
WinSyncProviders.dll | Windows Synchronization Provider Framework |
WindowsCodecs.dll | Microsoft Windows Codecs Library |
WindowsCodecsExt.dll | Microsoft Windows Codecs Extended Library |
WlS0WndH.dll | Session0 Viewer Window Hook DLL |
WlanMM.dll | Dot11 Media and AdHoc Managers |
Wldap32.dll | Win32 LDAP API DLL |
WmpDui.dll | Windows Media Player UI Engine |
Wpc.dll | WPC Settings Library |
WsmAuto.dll | WSMAN Automation |
WsmRes.dll | WSMan Resource DLL |
WsmSvc.dll | WSMan Service |
WsmWmiPl.dll | WSMAN WMI Provider |
Wwanadvui.dll | Wireless WAN Connection Flows |
Wwanpref.dll | Wireless WAN Profile Settings Editor |
w32time.dll | Windows Time Service |
w32topl.dll | Windows NT Topology Maintenance Tool |
wavemsp.dll | Microsoft Wave MSP |
wbemcomn.dll | WMI |
wbiosrvc.dll | Windows Biometric Service |
wcncsvc.dll | Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar Service |
wcnwiz.dll | Windows Connect Now Wizards |
wdc.dll | Performance Monitor |
wdi.dll | Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure |
wdiasqmmodule.dll | Adaptive SQM WDI Plugin |
wdigest.dll | Microsoft Digest Access |
wdscore.dll | Panther Engine Module |
webcheck.dll | Web Site Monitor |
webio.dll | Web Transfer Protocols API |
webservices.dll | Windows Web Services Runtime |
wecapi.dll | Event Collector Configuration API |
wecsvc.dll | Event Collector Service |
wer.dll | Windows Error Reporting DLL |
werconcpl.dll | PRS CPL |
wercplsupport.dll | Problem Reports and Solutions |
werdiagcontroller.dll | WER Diagnostic Controller |
wersvc.dll | Windows Error Reporting Service |
werui.dll | Windows Error Reporting UI DLL |
wevtapi.dll | Eventing Consumption and Configuration API |
wevtfwd.dll | WS-Management Event Forwarding Plug-in |
wevtsvc.dll | Event Logging Service |
wfapigp.dll | Windows Firewall GPO Helper dll |
whealogr.dll | WHEA Troubleshooter |
whhelper.dll | Net shell helper DLL for winHttp |
wiaaut.dll | WIA Automation Layer |
wiadefui.dll | WIA Scanner Default UI |
wiadss.dll | WIA TWAIN compatibility layer |
wiarpc.dll | Windows Image Acquisition RPC client DLL |
wiascanprofiles.dll | Microsoft Windows ScanProfiles |
wiaservc.dll | Still Image Devices Service |
wiashext.dll | Imaging Devices Shell Folder UI |
wiatrace.dll | WIA Tracing |
wiavideo.dll | WIA Video |
wimgapi.dll | Windows Imaging Library |
win32spl.dll | Client Side Rendering Print Provider |
winbio.dll | Windows Biometrics Client API |
winbrand.dll | Windows Branding Resources |
wincredprovider.dll | wincredprovider DLL |
winethc.dll | WinInet Helper Class |
winhttp.dll | Windows HTTP Services |
wininet - Copy.dll | Internet Extensions for Win32 |
wininet.dll | Internet Extensions for Win32 |
winipsec.dll | Windows IPsec SPD Client DLL |
winmm.dll | MCI API DLL |
winnsi.dll | Network Store Information RPC interface |
winrnr.dll | LDAP RnR Provider DLL |
winrscmd.dll | remtsvc |
winrsmgr.dll | WSMan Shell API |
winrssrv.dll | winrssrv |
winshfhc.dll | File Risk Estimation |
winsockhc.dll | Winsock Network Diagnostic Helper Class |
winsrv.dll | Multi-User Windows Server DLL |
winsta.dll | Winstation Library |
wintrust.dll | Microsoft Trust Verification APIs |
winusb.dll | Windows USB Driver User Library |
wkscli.dll | Workstation Service Client DLL |
wksprtPS.dll | WorkspaceRuntime ProxyStub DLL |
wkssvc.dll | Workstation Service DLL |
wlanapi.dll | Windows WLAN AutoConfig Client Side API DLL |
wlancfg.dll | Wlan Netsh Helper DLL |
wlandlg.dll | Wireless Lan Dialog Wizards |
wlangpui.dll | Wireless Network Policy Management Snap-in |
wlanhlp.dll | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 Client Side Helper API |
wlaninst.dll | Windows NET Device Class Co-Installer for Wireless LAN |
wlanmsm.dll | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 MSM DLL |
wlanpref.dll | Wireless Preferred Networks |
wlansec.dll | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 MSM Security Module DLL |
wlansvc.dll | Windows WLAN AutoConfig Service DLL |
wlanui.dll | Wireless Profile UI |
wlanutil.dll | Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 Utility DLL |
wlgpclnt.dll | 802.11 Group Policy Client |
wmcodecdspps.dll | Windows Media CodecDSP Proxy Stub Dll |
wmdmlog.dll | Windows Media Device Manager Logger |
wmdmps.dll | Windows Media Device Manager Proxy Stub |
wmdrmdev.dll | Windows Media DRM for Network Devices Registration DLL |
wmdrmnet.dll | Windows Media DRM for Network Devices DLL |
wmdrmsdk.dll | Windows Media DRM SDK DLL |
wmerror.dll | Windows Media Error Definitions (English) |
wmi.dll | WMI DC and DP functionality |
wmicmiplugin.dll | WMI CMI Plugin |
wmidx.dll | Windows Media Indexer DLL |
wmiprop.dll | WDM Provider Dynamic Property Page CoInstaller |
wmp.dll | Windows Media Player |
wmpcm.dll | Windows Media Player Compositing Mixer |
wmpdxm.dll | Windows Media Player Extension |
wmpeffects.dll | Windows Media Player Effects |
wmploc.DLL | Windows Media Player Resources |
wmpmde.dll | WMPMDE DLL |
wmpps.dll | Windows Media Player Proxy Stub Dll |
wmpshell.dll | Windows Media Player Launcher |
wmpsrcwp.dll | WMPSrcWp Module |
wmsgapi.dll | WinLogon IPC Client |
wmvdspa.dll | Windows Media Video DSP Components - Advanced |
wow32.dll | 32-bit WOW Subsystem Library |
wpcao.dll | WPC Administrator Override |
wpccpl.dll | Parental Controls Control Panel |
wpcmig.dll | Windows Parental Controls Migration |
wpcsvc.dll | WPC Filtering Service |
wpcumi.dll | Windows Parental Controls Notifications |
wpd_ci.dll | Driver Setup Class Installer for Windows Portable Devices |
wpdbusenum.dll | Portable Device Enumerator |
wpdshext.dll | Portable Devices Shell Extension |
wpdwcn.dll | Windows Portable Device WCN Wizard |
ws2_32.dll | Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL |
ws2help.dll | Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT |
wscapi.dll | Windows Security Center API |
wscinterop.dll | Windows Health Center WSC Interop |
wscisvif.dll | Windows Security Center ISV API |
wscmisetup.dll | Installers for Winsock Transport and Name Space Providers |
wscproxystub.dll | Windows Security Center ISV Proxy Stub |
wscsvc.dll | Windows Security Center Service |
wsdchngr.dll | WSD Challenge Component |
wsecedit.dll | Security Configuration UI Module |
wsepno.dll | Profile notification support for Windows Search Service |
wshbth.dll | Windows Sockets Helper DLL |
wshcon.dll | Microsoft Windows Script Controller |
wshelper.dll | Winsock Net shell helper DLL for winsock |
wshext.dll | Microsoft Shell Extension for Windows Script Host |
wship6.dll | Winsock2 Helper DLL (TL/IPv6) |
wshirda.dll | Windows Sockets Helper DLL |
wshnetbs.dll | Netbios Windows Sockets Helper DLL |
wshqos.dll | QoS Winsock2 Helper DLL |
wshrm.dll | Windows Sockets Helper DLL for PGM |
wsmplpxy.dll | wsmplpxy |
wsnmp32.dll | Microsoft WinSNMP v2.0 Manager API |
wsock32.dll | Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL |
wtsapi32.dll | Windows Remote Desktop Session Host Server SDK APIs |
wuapi.dll | Windows Update Client API |
wuaueng.dll | Windows Update Agent |
wucltux.dll | Windows Update Client User Experience |
wudriver.dll | Windows Update WUDriver Stub |
wups.dll | Windows Update client proxy stub |
wups2.dll | Windows Update client proxy stub 2 |
wuwebv.dll | Windows Update Vista Web Control |
wvc.dll | Windows Visual Components |
wwancfg.dll | MBN Netsh Helper DLL |
wwanconn.dll | Wireless WAN Connection Flows |
wwaninst.dll | Windows NET Device Class Co-Installer for Wireless WAN |
wwanmm.dll | WWan Media Manager |
wwanprotdim.dll | WWAN Device Interface Module |
wwansvc.dll | WWAN Auto Config Service |
wwapi.dll | WWAN API |
wzcdlg.dll | Windows Connect Now - Flash Config Enrollee |